./cat 2022/learn-perl.txt Name: Learn Perl Date: July 17th, 2022 This weekend I sat down and learned Perl, or at least a workable subset that I could pick up in a day. Earlier, I was writing a script in bash, and, while writing a particular tedious string of piped commands, I considered briefly what alternatives there might be. I mean, look at this thing: db_dump_latest=$(aws --profile "$AWS_PROFILE" s3 ls s3://$binstore_bucket/$instance_id/ | grep -oE "PRE sbsdb_dump_(.*)" | sed 's#PRE sbsdb_dump_\(.*\)/#\1#' | sort -n | tail -n 1) I know that some people out there are quite good at golfing in the bash field, but personally I prefer a bit more ubiquity between logic descriptions--you know, operations that you can read easily. Python I would say is king, but I noted that Perl is also stocked in nearly every Linux distro along with a standard set of useful libraries. Perl is a happy medium between the commandline and a general programming language, with builtin syntax for performing shell commands or parsing strings with regex. Regex support was one of the things that stuck out to me. Perl is famous for it. With so many practical uses, shortcuts to work with regexes are great. For example: if (`hostnamectl` =~ /Operating System: (Ubuntu 20.*)/) { print("OS: $1\n"); print("Running on Ubuntu 20.x!\n"); } Backticks are especially convenient. I find `cat filename` more preferable than using the standard I/O libraries to read a file. There is still some cruft here and there, like the rules for references or awkward syntax and behavior for elementary programming constructs, much like any language from yore, but it wasn't difficult at all to get the hang of it and finish a small project. Overall, I still think Python is the best for system scripting, but Perl's availability, unique conveniences, and ease of learning is well worth your time. I just hate bash. Send the author a comment << Index